
Positive shopping experiences all around

Making shopping more efficient and enjoyable
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Weighing & checkout

Standing in line at the fresh food counter or the cash register after work? Having a hard time searching for products at the self-service scales? Encountering empty bakery shelves? Most customers would avoid these experiences if they could. Bizerba offers solutions that improve the shopping experience using targeted digitalization - and offer retailers significant advantages in terms of efficiency.

Stationary shopping with digital benefits

Modern approaches integrate digital elements into the physical shopping experience. They might include pre-orders that are directly transferred to the slicers in the preparation room, or they might be self-service scales with intelligent product recognition, bakery shelves with automatic inventory controls or the self-checkout with a smart validation process.

Areas of Use

Positive experiences increase customer connections

From the retail chain to the farmer's market, from the butcher's to the cheese shop: if a merchant is able to provide its customers with a pleasant, worry-free shopping experience, it will form a stronger connection with them. This is even more so the case, for example, if customers have installed an app on their smartphones for pre-ordering. One advantage for retailers: pre-orders can be processed in between when there is time, and all the customers need to do is pick them up. Smartphone apps are also valuable customer bonding tools for shopping with self-checkouts.

Weighing & checkout in top form


Customers can pre-order fresh products from homes using their smartphones, while on the road or even on-site at the terminal in the shop. The order is directly transmitted to the loading scales and can be prepared to be picked up on time.


MC II 500 Pro

Smart self-service scales
In the self-service fresh foods department, intelligent scales with item recognition ensure easy operation, and less shrinkage from entering the wrong information. Artificial intelligence makes recognition more and more reliable after each weighing. 



Slicing machines
Smart, networked slicing machines reduce downtime, decrease the workload and automate processes – for example, with pre-orders that are automatically transmitted to the device or with automated reminders at maintenance, cleaning and grinding intervals.


Supersmart – Scan & Go Loss Prevention System

Self-checkout systems
Scan the selected items with your smartphone, put them in the shopping cart or basket and have the entire purchase automatically validated in seconds – this saves customers time and eases staff workload, all while minimizing shrinkage.

Sounds interesting?
Please contact our specialists at any time