
Sustainability – a topic that concerns us all

Balingen, Germany, 06/03/2022

| On June 5 the World Environment Day takes place, which was established by the UN to promote global awareness and action to protect the environment. Bizerba is also aware of its responsibility towards the environment and therefore offers sustainable solutions in harmony with economy, ecology and society.

Responsibility for the Future

As a family-owned company with more than 150 years of history, Bizerba accepts the task of paving the way for a sustainable future. Issues such as the increasing global demand for energy, the effects of climate change, food waste and unnecessary amounts of waste also affect us as a company. That is why environmental policy is a topic that is firmly anchored in our corporate goals and affects stakeholders both internally and externally. We know: "What we do today decides what the world will look like tomorrow". (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

Saving Energy with Smarter Slicing

After years of research, we have found a way to significantly reduce the energy consumption of our slicers. Using an intelligent engine concept that adapts the engine’s performance to the resistance of the product.

If an employee inserts a product that is easy to slice, the machine registers the respective resistance and delivers correspondingly less power to the slicing engine. Only for products that are hard to slice, the engine develops its full torque and maximum engine performance. Thanks to this demand-oriented engine power, the machines require up to 45 percent less electricity compared to comparable machines, depending on the load profile. In stand-by mode, no power is needed at all.

Intelligent Inventory Management against Food Waste

Bizerba invented an intelligent shelf, that ensures to reduce waste due to overproduction and simultaneously prevents out-of-stocks. The SmartShelf is often used for fresh products, that are produced in the shop, such as bakery goods. It uses weight sensors to detect when a product has been removed from the shelf and documents this position via Internet of things.

If it registers for example, that rolls are running low, the baking machine is able to automatically activate the corresponding baking program and produce the exact quantity of the missing product. The automatic monitoring ensures timely re-baking and eliminates the need of manual inventory by store staff. The measured data is also evaluated by means of AI and sales predictions are created to ensure optimal baking over the course of the day. Prices on the shelves are dynamically adjusted via the solution and automatically updated on the Electronic Shelf Labels. This makes it possible to optimally sell remaining products before closing time, instead of disposing them in the waste.

Waste Reduction with Linerless Labels

Bizerba also opts for efficient solutions in the field of labels. Conventional products need silicone backing paper which is stripped off before labeling. In this process, tremendous volumes of waste are generated. This can be illustrated using an example: If a producer changes the label rolls on every printer for an average of 2000 times per year, this generates one ton of waste. To remedy this Bizerba offers linerless labels with surface refinement so that they adhere to each other in layers. As a result, backing paper is no longer necessary. This technology saves resources and will be an important element of sustainable packing in the future.