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pubblicato il 27/09/2023

Bizerba joining forces with AI start-up KanduAI

Balingen, 27/09/2023

| Bizerba, leading manufacturer of innovative solutions for the retail and food industry, has announced it has entered a partnership agreement with KanduAI, a developer and distributor of solutions for AI-based object recognition, whose technology will be integrated into the RetailApp ObjectRecognition in the future. The new partnership will enable customers in the retail sector to automatically recognise fruit and vegetables on Bizerba self-service scales.

KanduAI, founded in 2018 in Israel, is a start-up that focuses on developing AI-based object recognition for the retail sector, especially smart checkout and the self-service sector – and it is precisely this field where it will be cooperating with Bizerba in the future: Their technology will be integrated into Bizerba’s RetailApp ObjectRecognition. Self-service scales from Bizerba that are equipped with the app will automatically recognise the fruit and vegetables placed on them. Customers will no longer have to enter article numbers or search for the correct number themselves.

Retail object recognition

Thanks to the cooperation, KanduAI‘s AI will be able to access and leverage the master data of the PC scale software RetailPowerScale. Whenever an item is placed on a scale’s load plate, the scale takes a picture and makes it available to the AI. The AI determines which item it is and presents the customer with a series of suggestions for selecting the correct item. This procedure avoids the tedious sifting through long item lists and incorrectly entering item numbers.

„Artificial intelligence is more than just a buzzword, and the technology is capable of achieving far more than the general public may be aware of in view of tools such as ChatGPT. It offers real added value, for companies and private customers alike,” says Robert Reiss, Director Product and Innovation Management, Bizerba. “That is why we're excited to work with a partner like KanduAI to reimagine the end customer shopping experience with our smart scales.“

„Bizerba has been setting technological standards in retail for decades – so it is only logical and consistent that we are now entering into this partnership,” says Ariel Shemesh, Co-Founder and CEO, KanduAI. “We are very much looking forward to cooperating and continuing our journey together."

About KanduAI

Founded in 2018, KanduAI is a Tel Aviv based AI startup company specializing in edge AI for retail use cases.

Powered by its edge optimized ML training and inference engine KanduAI provides state of the art Edge AI computer vision solutions to retailers worldwide by automatically identifying products without barcodes.

KanduAI technology is used by retailers and retail vendors in various scenarios such as produce recognition, checkout loss prevention, smart carts and express checkout machines.

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A proposito di Bizerba

Bizerba offre ai propri clienti, nei settori della produzione artigianale, del commercio, dell'industria e della logistica, un ventaglio di soluzioni hardware e software unico al mondo, che ruota tutto intorno al peso, la nostra grandezza di riferimento. La nostra offerta comprende prodotti e soluzioni per affettatura, lavorazione, pesatura, cassa, controllo, approntamento merci ed etichettatura. Completano il quadro un'ampia gamma di servizi, che vanno dalla consulenza all'assistenza, dalle etichette e materiali di consumo fino alle nostre soluzioni di noleggio.

Dal 1866 Bizerba ricopre un ruolo di spicco nell'evoluzione delle tecnologie per la determinazione del peso e attualmente è presente in 120 paesi. Il nostro portafoglio clienti spazia da aziende operanti a livello internazionale nei settori del commercio e dell'industria, alla vendita al dettaglio, fino ai panifici e alle macellerie artigianali. La sede principale del gruppo, che conta circa 4500 dipendenti in tutto il mondo ed è sotto la guida della stessa famiglia da 5 generazioni, si trova a Balingen, nel Baden Württemberg. Altri stabilimenti produttivi sono dislocati in Germania, Austria, Italia, Francia, Spagna, Cina e negli Stati Uniti. Bizerba vanta inoltre una rete mondiale di punti vendita e centri di assistenza.

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