This combo was marveled at, filmed and photographed countless times. An innovative highlight on the almost 25 m2 Bizerba stand. For Franziska Klaiber, Bizerba expert and iba.speaker at the iba.SPEAKERS AREA, this is a valuable observation:
" It's been 8 years since we were part of the iba in Munich. Visitors from all over the world have recognized our progress in digitalization. They are seeing Bizerba more and more as a solution and software provider. The baking industry has recognized the advantages of networking and is continuing to promote digitalization.
To give you an example: Our innovative self-service solution fulfills the customers' desire to buy baked goods self-sufficiently. At the same time, it reduces food waste. With continuous and digital stock monitoring, it is now possible to produce baked goods just in time and sell them dynamically. This is where the economic and green potential of our smart solutions is demonstrated."