Checkout Scale C2 scannerintegrated
With this new generation of C2 checkout scales, you quickly, reliably and accurately weigh and calculate prices during the checkout process.
Latest, carefully coordinated technology makes the series even more energy-efficient.
The new C2 series, same as predecessor model CS 300, is compatible with all
scanner manufacturers on the market (Datalogic, Zebra or NCR).
Combining the C2 scale with a suitable scanner ensures accurate price weighing in the checkout area, even when space is limited.
The USB interface allows easy connection to the cash register system. The unit price – with or without tare value as desired – is transferred from the cash register to the scale which then calculates the selling price on the basis of the weight determined.
The relevant process is visualized either via a hardware (P display) or a software
Détails et options
Vous pouvez trouver des instructions de fonctionnement, des mises à jour logicielles, des licences, des demandes de service pour votre appareil personnel dans le portail client Bizerba.

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