Retail software

RetailApp concept

RetailApps - small functional units with major impacts. These useful applications supplement the scale solution RetailPowerScale thereby combining individuality with the advantages of a standard software. Modular design, readily available, at an attractive price.
RetailApps create unlimited flexibility for additional performance on the scaleRetailApps are separate, self-contained solution units docking to the standardized scale software RetailPowerScale via an interface. This modular architecture allows simple and timely implementation of expansions: from the idea to implementation on the scale in a few steps. Highly scalable in the required functionality, adaptable to the last detail in the layout. RetailApps are the door for turning ideas into reality. The advantages are clear: Reducing costs with modular standards! Many Retail functions are already available as RetailApps: Processing of data of origin, managing of orders directly with the scale, integration of promotional campaigns in the store concept or creation of time-controlled messages and campaigns – The sky's the limit! RetailApps are centrally provided, immediately available and ready for operation. Due to global networking the development of RetailApps is constantly growing. RetailApps - is a little more okay?


  • Fast and cost-effective function expansions
  • Design of RetailPowerScale scales according to customer requirements
  • Thanks to RetailApps, the scope of performance of RetailPowerScale scales is expanded during the entire product life cycle
  • Selection of suitable RetailApps from a constantly growing solution portfolio
  • Benefit from ideas from around the world

Product images and technical information may differ and may not be available in your country.

This category includes all RetailApps which manage data for certain purposes within a process.

Category examples:

  • TraceListing for flexible origin data management
  • EasyOrder for order management
  • IngredientManager for allergen management on the scale

This category includes all RetailApps which, due to their procedure, take care of administrative tasks or optimize administration processes.

Category examples:

  • KeyOrganizer for fast and effective organization of the scale interface
  • ShelfTag for printing of individually designed shelf tags
  • TimedAction for controlled processes and information directly on the scale

This category includes all RetailApps communicating in both directions: between device and customer, between device and operator

Category examples:

  • LasVegas for targeted advertising measures in the store
  • PowerQueue for queue management at the fresh food counter
  • PaperNearEnd as an early warning system for end of paper on scales using labels

This category includes all RetailApps which deal with price information or sales.

Category examples:

  • PaymentManager for easy connection of different payment systems
  • GrossPricing in order to display net/gross price information on the scales
  • ItemCoupon for automatic recording of coupon articles

This category includes all RetailApps which manage data for certain purposes within a process.

Category examples:

  • TraceListing for flexible origin data management
  • EasyOrder for order management
  • IngredientManager for allergen management on the scale

This category includes all RetailApps which, due to their procedure, take care of administrative tasks or optimize administration processes.

Category examples:

  • KeyOrganizer for fast and effective organization of the scale interface
  • ShelfTag for printing of individually designed shelf tags
  • TimedAction for controlled processes and information directly on the scale

This category includes all RetailApps communicating in both directions: between device and customer, between device and operator

Category examples:

  • LasVegas for targeted advertising measures in the store
  • PowerQueue for queue management at the fresh food counter
  • PaperNearEnd as an early warning system for end of paper on scales using labels

This category includes all RetailApps which deal with price information or sales.

Category examples:

  • PaymentManager for easy connection of different payment systems
  • GrossPricing in order to display net/gross price information on the scales
  • ItemCoupon for automatic recording of coupon articles
For take away


You can find operating instructions, software updates, licenses, service requests for your personal device in the Bizerba customer portal.
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