
RetailApp LasVegas

Entertain your customers while shopping: With the RetailApp LasVegas you use the perfect RetailApp for promotions.

The RetailApp LasVegas attracts shoppers by offering chances of winning with each sale closed on the scale. When closing a label or ticket a slot machine starts on the customer display. Three identical symbols mean jackpot – that's LasVegas. Prize and winning frequency are freely definable. Customer retention via targeted promotions – LasVegas is the perfect tool for a great shopping experience.



  • Chance of winning at conclusion of the sale
  • Slot machine can be customized – pictures can be replaced
  • Winning frequency with random threshold definable
  • Can be used in label and ticket mode


  • Raised customer interest and customer retention
  • Gaining more customers by word-of-mouth advertising
  • More intense customer dialog due to chances of winning
  • Promotes positive shopping experience

RetailApp Architecture

  • Supplied by default in German, English, French, Spanish and Italian
  • Configuration via web interface for editing on scale or remote editing
  • Integration in ScaleBackup and Monitoring
  • Deinstallation process
  • Can run in cash register mode
  • Changed behavior for winner determination. The operator is informed about the winner at the same time the shopper sees that he has won
  • If no winner is determined, a text on the operator side can be displayed
  • Additional displaying of text on customer side in case no winner was determined


The release applies to the new architecture as well as to the previous version with the following functions: Additional displaying of text on customer side in case no winner was determined

Product images and technical information may differ and may not be available in your country.

Details & Options

Supported devices K3
Pro devices
Requirements RetailApp Server PowerScale: ab 2.65 build 0017
RetailApp Server RetailStore: 3.00 build 69
PowerScale: 3.11
RetailStore: 1.6
For take away


You can find operating instructions, software updates, licenses, service requests for your personal device in the Bizerba customer portal.
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