Industrial weighing

Precision and safety for hazardous areas

The requirements for weighing in hazardous areas are high - and often lead to weighing becoming a bottleneck in production. Prevent this with the right Bizerba solution.
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Welcome to the hazardous area

In potentially explosive atmospheres, ignition sources and strong heat development must be reliably excluded. Certifications for hazardous areas are therefore mandatory for all electrically operated equipment and electronic systems. This also applies to scales and terminals.

Holistic concepts for the hazardous area

Why do the load cells of the applied load receptors have to be certified accordingly? If a certified weighing terminal is also placed within the hazardous area, many time-consuming procedures are eliminated.

Sounds good?

Differentiation according to risk zones

When planning, the hazardous locations must first be determined, as different requirements apply depending on the explosion hazard. Zones are classified according to the frequency or probability of the occurrence of explosive atmospheres. Internationally, there are different categorizations of hazardous locations.

Ensuring compliance worldwide with Bizerba solutions

Open software architecture, numerous interfaces

A solution with open software architecture and a sufficient variety of interfaces is always ideal. This allows weighing solutions to be seamlessly integrated into the existing IT system so that networked processes can be mapped without interruption, even in hazardous areas.

Thanks to suitably configured software and individual programming of the soft PLC using Codesys, Bizerba weighing solutions enable maximum flexibility in hazardous areas. They ensure seamless data transfers to higher-level systems and PCs. 

Suitable for individual requirements

Let's keep in mind:
Bizerba offers weighing terminals for hazardous areas with power supply units or rechargeable batteries and different interfaces. The robust load receptors can withstand extreme environmental conditions. Mobile solutions are also possible.

Bizerba weighing terminals for hazardous areas have either integrated power supply units or external rechargeable batteries. They have a wide range of interfaces, many of which are intrinsically safe. The load receptors for hazardous areas are available in weighing ranges from 3 to 30,000 kg. Their robust designs with corrosion-free load plates reliably withstand even extreme environmental conditions. Mobile explosion-proof solutions for use in changing locations can also be easily implemented with Bizerba.

Ensure compliance internationally

Ensure that you comply with local regulations for international rollouts. Bizerba is present in 120 countries with 4,500 employees worldwide. Our experts are very familiar with the regional requirements. In addition to ATEX certificates, we also have IECEx certificates and can therefore provide you with competent support in planning, implementing, certifying and operating internationally compliant weighing solutions in hazardous areas. Another advantage of our global network: In the event of a service call, response times are short, whether on-site or via remote support.

Solutions for all applications

Whether for the chemical industry, pharmaceutical manufacturers or food producers; from incoming or outgoing goods to filling, dosing or mixing: With us, you will find explosion-proof weighing solutions that meet your requirements to the letter, integrate seamlessly into your production and reliably comply with all local laws and regulations.

At a glance

  • All components must be certified for weighing in hazardous areas.
  • Seamless integration and flexible use contribute significantly to investment security.
  • Explosion protection regulations may differ internationally.

Load receptors

Various versions of hazardous area-compliant load receptors: Depending on your requirements, you can choose between models for table or floor installation, built-in or free-standing.

Sounds interesting?
Please contact our specialists at any time