Industry software

Industrial-Software BRAIN2 Capture

BRAIN2 Capture - with this software you record and evaluate process data in a quick, easy and efficient manner.

Bizerba's BRAIN2 Capture is a robust industrial software designed to streamline the data acquisition and evaluation process in manufacturing environments. It offers a range of standard functions for the acquisition and analysis of data from connected Bizerba devices such as checkweighers, weigh price labelers and inspection systems. The software efficiently collects individual values, total data records and information on detected metal objects and stores them in a central SQL database for easy access and management.

The main benefits of BRAIN2 Capture include significant time savings in data collection and reporting, as manual documentation is eliminated. Centralized archiving ensures that no data is lost, and integration with higher-level systems is seamless. The software supports professional evaluations and provides PDF reports and proof of production over defined periods.

BRAIN2 Capture is versatile, suitable for daily production evaluation, batch evaluation and metal detector audits. It offers a web service interface for programmers, allowing easy export of data as CSV files for further analysis. The software is an essential tool for industries looking to optimize their production processes, maintain quality control and ensure the safety of their operations.

For companies that want to integrate BRAIN2 Capture into their processes, Bizerba provides detailed technical data and options for customization. The software's ability to adapt to different business needs makes it a valuable asset for any company looking to increase efficiency and accuracy in data management.


  • Time savings during recording and creating of reports since manual documentation is not necessary
  • Central archiving in the database making hand-written notes or books next to the metal detector unnecessary
  • Data transfer to higher level systems possible
  • Professional evaluations as a PDF
  • Proof of production (individual weighings)
  • Archives production data over a defined production period

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Areas of use

  • Evaluation of daily production
  • Batch evaluation
  • Web service as an interface for programmers
  • Collected data can be exported as a CSV file (Excel)
  • Overview metal detector audit
  • Rejected packages (metal detected)
  • Give-away report

Details & options

Integration in business processes

BRAIN2 Capture represents your production: This software provides you with the collected production data of your Bizerba equipment via reports and various interfaces. Via a web service interface, data is accessible for IT staff, programmers or 3rd party software houses and thus for business processes. Besides individual data records, total data records or detected metal objects can be evaluated and further processed.

Specification Facts Details
Supported databases SQL Server 2014
SQL Server 2016
SQL Server 2017
SQL Server 2019
SQL Server 2022
Minimum network requirements Ethernet 1000Mbit
Minimum memory requirement 16GB recommended 32GB
Version v3.02
Supported devices Checkweighers
Vision Secure
Weigh Price Labelers
Minimum processor requirements Multi-core processor with 2 GHz
Intel Quad Core or comparable processor
Supported client operating systems Windows IoT
CentOS 5.2
Windows 10 (from version 1607)
Windows 11
Release date 2023-06-30
Supported browsers Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Supported server operating systems Windows Server 2012 (R2, x64)
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022
Minimum hard drive requirements 2GB
User languages ru
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