Board & Supervisory Board

Managing and shaping safely

Bizerba develops itself in a sustainable manner. The harmonious interplay of the Executive Board, shareholders and Supervisory Board creates the best possible backdrop for this development. Learn which minds are responsible for the different company fields and decisions.
Executive Board

Clear departments & tasks

In order to achieve the company's goals, Bizerba is equipped with a dual leadership team. You can find out which departments Andreas W. Kraut and Angela Kraut are responsible for here.

Andreas W. Kraut

CEO & shareholder
  • Company strategy
  • Digitalisation
  • Business models, focus software
  • CSO service and sales worldwide
  • Human Resources

The shareholder Andreas W.Kraut has been a member of the Executive Board since 2009, and took over as Chairman in 2011. He continues to shape Bizerba's strategy as CEO and Chairman of the Board. The healthy growth of the company is the top priority. Mr Kraut is responsible for the areas of digitalisation, developing new business models with a focus on software and human resources. He is also responsible for running global services and sales. He has therefore assumed leadership of the CSO sector in personal union.

Angela Kraut

  • Finance
  • Controlling
  • Quality
  • Purchasing

The shareholder Angela Kraut, previously Vice President Finance, Controlling & Quality, and CEO of the subsidiary Bizerba Financial Services GmbH, holds the executive responsibilities of CFO. She is responsible for the company sectors of Finance, Controlling, Quality and Purchasing. Ms Kraut is in charge of activities that enable Bizerba to work in a more profitable and efficient manner. A target that is anchored in Strategy 2025.

Supervisory Board

Advising & monitoring

The Advisory Board is the compass of the Bizerba Group: it advises the Executive Board in its strategic decisions. At the same time, it maintains the interest of the various stakeholders who are active for and with Bizerba, or are connected to the group in another way.

Dr. Jürgen Geißinger

Chairman of the Advisory Board

Jürgen M. Geißinger is a respected German business manager with an impressive career. After studying mechanical engineering at the renowned University of Stuttgart and successfully completing his doctorate in 1989, he began his professional career at the Fraunhofer Institute in Stuttgart. He later held leading positions at companies such as ITT Automotive and was CEO of ITT-Industries Europe. As Chairman of the Board of the Schaeffler Group for many years, he developed a leading global technology group. Under his leadership, he took Senvion public and consolidated the company's position in the wind turbine market. Geißinger enjoys international recognition and is actively involved in the automotive industry. As Chairman of the Supervisory Board, he enriches our company with extensive experience and profound expertise to drive dynamic further development and ensure sustainable success.

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